Our Staff
"We are proud of our small country school; our lovely tamariki, our committed Board of Trustees and our talented and dedicated staff."
Whaea Andrea
Ko Mauao tōku maunga
Ko Tauranga tōku moana
Ko Mataatua tōku waka
Ko Ngāi Te Rangi tōku iwi
Ko Ngāi Tukairanga mē Ngāti Kuku ngā hapu
Ko Hungahungatoroa mē Whareroa ngā marae
Ko Andrea tōku ingoa
Nō reira, tēnā koutou tēnā tātou katoa
Kia ora kura whanau, my background is working in administration and human resources management, both in the corporate sector and in administration roles within Maori organisations and my hapori. Working in the tari at Maketu kura, alongside the staff, whanau and tamariki is a blessing. I love to see the growth of our resilient tamariki and support from our kura whānau.
Matua Harold
I’ve worked at Te Kura o Maketu as a kaiawhina for 4 years now, and really enjoy watching the progress and development of the tamariki. Helping the tamariki in Okurei, our senior class, is my main role. In my role as staff representative on the Board of Trustees it is great to be able to communicate to the other trustees the progress and programmes I observe on a daily basis.
Whaea Viv
Ko Maungarei te maunga
Ko Tamaki te awa
No Tamaki Makaurau ahau
Ko Vivien Stock ahau
I moved to Tauranga Moana in 2001,
I have many years of teaching experience in Tamaki Makaurau, Taumarunui, Picton, Papamoa and now Maketu.
I am currently the Reading Recovery kaiako at Te Kura o Maketu and love working with the tamariki and kaiako here.
Whaea Robyn
Ko Tihirau te maunga
Ko Whangaparāoa te awa
Ko Mataatua te waka
Ko Kauaetangohia te marae
Ko Te Whānau a Kauaetangohia te hapū
Ko Te Whānau a Apanui te iwi
Ko Robyn Lose ahau.
Born and raised in Maketū since 1982.
Whaea Mac
Tena Koutou
I love being part of Maketu Kura. The community whanau feeling I get every day at kura is a blessing. I enjoy seeing the students discover their strengths and then develop those strengths into regular habits. This is extremely rewarding for me. Knowing that I have helped students move forward with skills they will use for the rest of their lives is gratifying.
Ngā mihi.
Whaea Sue