Principal's Message
"We are proud of our small country school; our lovely tamariki, our committed Board of Trustees and our talented and dedicated staff."
Whaea Sonia Mau
"We are proud of our small country school; our lovely tamariki, our committed Board of Trustees and our talented and dedicated staff. Our whanau and community support the kura in many ways, and add to the richness of experiences and support the tamariki receive at kura. We welcome all new enrolments, and invite prospective families to contact us for a tour of the kura if you are considering Te Kura o Maketu as your kura of choice.
We currently have approximately 40 tamariki and our roll is steadily growing. We currently have two classes; Takaparore (our junior class) and ÅŒkurei (our senior class). We enjoy small class sizes and have considerable kaiawhina support in place to support learning. All staff work together as a cohesive group to support your tamariki in their learning and we are achieving excellent results. Our latest Education Review Office confirms the excellent progress our tamariki have made this year.
We integrate our core values of Manaakitanga, Rangatiratanga and Kaitiakitanga into every aspect of school life and our tamariki are engaged and focused on their learning. Our programmes are wide and varied and encompass many enriching experiences in all curriculum areas." - Whaea Sonia